Greenhorn Summit @ Kendall Square

Want to meet entrepreneurs and tech startup professionals located in the Boston area? New to computer science and just curious about what kind of careers are out there? Sign up for the Greenhorn Summit in Kendall Square. It’s a great opportunity to get your foot in the door with all kinds of employers and learn what Boston tech startups are all about. The conference takes place Saturday, October 6th but you’ll get a 50% discounted ticket price if you sign up by Friday and use the promotional code, ‘earlybird’.


An events calendar for all your extracurricular computer science needs

Want to know about upcoming CS related events at and around Tufts? Click the Calendar link in the blog’s main menu to see events collected by Tufts ACM executive board member Trevor Rothaus. He’s included Tufts colloquia, colloquia at nearby schools, Boston startup networking events, programming competitions, and more.